The Tranquil Noise That Slayed The Beast.
The fourth release in the Interludium series, released under the Organium name. Though Organium had supposedly been disbanded, Stijn felt that this record fit it's style too well, and he decided to put it out there under the name anyway. This record is, once again, very meditative in nature, prepare for a droning, but thought provoking, listen.
This record, as previously mentioned, was released under this name due to it's similarity in style with the Organium debut. The style of the aforementioned record was one that was described to be black metal without guitar or vocals. This was done through the use of organs and keyboards playing everything along with some occasional percussion. This record follows suit.
Not only does this record also differ from the more atmospheric drone of the previous records, and don't think that means that this one is not atmospheric or drone, it is, but it also feature 2 tracks instead of just 1 long one. But both of these tracks are still long; the first being close to 45 minutes, the second is almost 15. This breaks down some of the self-induced boredom a listener will receive.
The overall sound of this record is much more tolerable then the last two under the Interludium name. This record focuses much more on the organ for all manner of drone and atmospheric effects, and unlike the second Interludium record, which contained one, long droning note for an hour, this album features multiple keys being pressed, granted it is only once in a while, but it does serve to enhance the listen. This album proves to be much easier to listen to fully, then the last few.
These two tracks also provide a much calmer experience than others, remains very angelic and peaceful most of the time. While the ringing of the organ does keep things in that manner, the occasional droning feedback only serves to enhance the listen, rather then bring it down. While this won't put you into a trance as others did, it will captivate the imagination of the listener more so than the others.
The second track, Amber, actually has a sound that differs from the opener. This track features short melodic melodies that are not minutes apart from each other, but sequenced into almost catchy lead melodies. The entirety of the track is very tranquil and induces a very euphoric feeling when listening to it.
Overall, this record is a step up, and is actually worth hearing. Take a chance and go out on a limb to check this one out. May not be right for you, but you'll experience some of the better stuff that he's come out in this series.
Overall Score: 7
Highlights: Amber
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